Special Resolution Voting Results
Waitaha Raupatu Trust and Te Kapu O Waitaha would like to thank our iwi and beneficiary members who voted on the Special Resolutions for both the Waitaha Raupatu Deed, and Te Kapu O Waitaha Charter variations. “A SPECIAL THANKS TO OVERSEAS WHANAU WHO VOTED”, we celebrate and appreciate that you stay connected and involved.
Hui – A-Iwi special resolutions to approve the variation to the Waitaha Raupatu Trust Deed
- A unanimous approval by iwi for the proposed variation of the Trust Deed
Special Resolution by Ballot Vote to approve the proposed amendments to the Te Kapu O Waitaha Charter
- 100% of the votes received voted YES to the proposed variations
Following the Hui-a-Iwi and Special General Meeting of 24.04.14, we are pleased to announce the following results:
The Waitaha Raupatu Trust along with Te Kapu O Waitaha sincerely thank nga ringa wera o te Hau Kainga, and the Waitaha – A- Hei, Pae Tapu for hosting our combined hui.

We are constantly updating our Register to ensure our beneficiaries receive the information you need to stay informed, are eligible to vote, and further to apply for future grants and benefits as we work to establishing priorities identified by our Waitaha membership.
There are still a number of registered whānau who have not yet updated their addresses. If that is you, please contact us on 07 573 5314.
Alternately, to update your contact details, you can do this via our website, go to the Reihita Tab, your changes will be received and actioned immediately by our office.
To register, you can download a form from the website, or contact Trina at the office. We are more than happy to post that out to you.]]>