Commercial Viability Study Last month we reported that a viability study to investigate viable options for Te Houhou block was being tendered out.  We are pleased to report to you this month that The Property Group has been engaged to complete this work.  We anticipate that the final report will be completed by June, at which time we will be in a position to advise the iwi of the recommended options.

Iwi Management Plan

We have recently put forward our application for Tauranga City Council for IMP (Iwi Management Plan) funding to progress your Iwi Management plan.  Funding has been approved in principle subject to further allocations needed to fulfil the whole financial requirements needed to complete the project.  We will be submitting further applications to Western Bay of Plenty District and Bay of Plenty Regional Councils for assistance.  This is an important project to ensure Waitaha environmental, and cultural interests are managed in a way that is appropriate and acceptable to Waitaha people. To this end we will need to continue our consultations with our beneficiaries and iwi once funding is confirmed.

Commissioning to document the Waitaha and Hakaraia Histories

Maranga Waitaha Trust recently provided to the Waitaha Raupatu and Te Kapu O Waitaha Trust their project plan and budget for approval to progress this project.  While further negotiations are required, Te Kapu O Waitaha and the Waitaha Raupatu Trust has committed to ensuring the outcome remains consistent with achieving benefit for our people at a comparable cost.  We believe this is achievable and look forward to implementing the “commissioning” process with Maranga Waitaha Charitable Trust early this month.  We intend to keep you informed.

Whakakotahi Tātou

Te Kapu O Waitaha thanks those who responded to the notion of establishing a Waitaha forum for Waitaha entities to report back to our iwi membership.  Te Kapu O Waitaha is of the view that this would be beneficial and a start toward bringing together all Waitaha efforts, outcomes, and periodic reporting in a more seamless and practical way, to act as the conduit for all Waitaha affairs.  We will keep you updated on that kaupapa.]]>

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