Ko Otawa te Maunga, Ko Te Rapa-rapa-a-hoe Te awa, Ko Hei te Tūpuna,
Ko Takakopiri te Tangata, Ko Waitaha te iwi, Ko Te Arawa te waka
Tukua te wairua kia rere ki ngā taumata
Hei ārahī i ā tatou mahi
Ma tā tātou whai i ngā tikanga a rātou mā
Ki a mau ki a ita
Ki a kore ai e ngaro
Ki a pupuri
Ki a whakamua
Ki a tina! Tina! Hui e! Taiki e!
Hei ārahī i ā tatou mahi
Ma tā tātou whai i ngā tikanga a rātou mā
Ki a mau ki a ita
Ki a kore ai e ngaro
Ki a pupuri
Ki a whakamua
Ki a tina! Tina! Hui e! Taiki e!

Te Kāhui Whakatau
We negotiate the settlement of the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims. This includes advising and helping claimant groups to get ready to enter negotiations.
The Waitaha Deed of Settlement is the final settlement of all historical claims of Waitaha resulting from acts or omissions by the Crown prior to 21 September 1992.
- By the 1840s, Waitaha primarily occupied the land between Tauranga harbour and Te Puke. During the 1840s and 1850s.
- Cultural redress recognises the traditional, historical, cultural and spiritual associations Waitaha has with places and sites within their rohe or area of interest.