\"Family\" Tēnā rā kōutou, e te iwi o Waitaha. Ko Hinerangi Billy-Jean Whareaorere Koce tōku ingoa, ko au te mokopuna tuakana o Carol me Ted Whare, me te tamahine tuakana o Grace raua ko Jeff Koce. Kia Ora Whanau, In late 2008, my whanau and I moved to Australia to begin a new life, which found myself completing high school with direct entry into the Griffith Business School here on the Gold Coast. I further pursued this opportunity by beginning my degree in 2013 at Griffith University Gold Coast Campus. A month into semester 1 of 2013, my family were faced with the possibility of my enrolment being cancelled if we did not pay the semesters fees upfront and in full by week 4 of the semester. As I am not an Australian citizen, paying my tuition fees forthright was the only way I could complete my university studies. This occurred every semester for four years, and eight semesters later I can proudly say that in 2016 I graduated with a Bachelor of Business with a major in Sport Management and a Minor in Events Management. In addition to this success, and with the tireless support and work by my driven parents and supporting family, friends and partner, I am now also debt free. Post-graduation celebrations and the successes of completing a degree and now not having to eat noodles for 6/7 nights, most people would suggest its time to put my paper to use and chase my dream job that I’ve worked so hard for. However, this year I have learned that studying was the easy part and securing a job is the challenge. My career goal is to secure full time employment and to put my Sports and Events Management degree to use with the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, which is set to occur next year in April. This has been my goal since entering Griffith with full knowledge that on completion of my degree, the games would be here. However at the present moment, I am open to any and all possibilities that come my way. My four years at university were truly some of my best yet and an experience I will not necessarily remember (#unigames) but will never forget. Studying and living in another country has also been a huge impact on my life experiences that I will never regret. The friends, tutors and colleagues I’ve made along the way with the surrounding support I’ve had have made this milestone in my life unforgettable. I hope my experience can give insight and inspire our Rangatahi o Waitaha to chase their dreams and to be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. I am forever indebted to my hard working parents and the endless support of my family for their equal efforts to the completion of my degree. Nga mihi nui Nāku noa, Hinerangi  ]]>