•   We   have responded to a number of Resource consents being applied for in our area   of interest.  The most recent was the Pāpāmoa   storm water catchment management plan, and Pāpāmoa storm water   variation.  This application went   before the environment court, followed by mediation between council and a   number of iwi.   Te Kapu O Waitaha   together with Maru Tapsell presented a Waitaha view on the conditions   included by Nga Potiki and others.  We   are pleased to report that those views were accepted by the majority which   now means the parties have been able to finally reach consensus.
Waitaha iwi management plan development was funded by Council for the purposes of informing them what the iwi aspirations are, what Waitaha policies are in relation to the environment and community, who to consult, and how. The Waitaha Iwi Management Plan was well received by  Regional Council, members and the tangata whenua standing committee. This was  presented by Te Kapu O Waitaha  and Maru last week. REVIEW OF STRUCTURE 2013 – Te Kapu O Waitaha operations was established 2014 – Waitaha Charitable Trust was established and included as a subsidiary of Te Kapu O Waitaha 2015 – Financial structure and operations are now established for the Charitable Trust 2015 – Structure review: The additional legal compliances, and functions of each Trust requires that we revisit the structure of the “Group entities” as a whole.  We have moved away from the traditional “flat” structure into a “functional” structure to make clear what the core business of each Trust is, where Trust accountabilities sit in relation to each other, and the iwi. In this way the Board will be able to;
  • “stick to its’ knitting”, while at the same time avoiding the duplication of government services
  • maximize and plan for capability requirements
  • focus on  delivering its approved strategies
  • ensure its work has a clear focus and results are evident over time
  • account for its’ contributions in support of the Waitaha Iwi Management Plan
The revised structure will be delivered at the AGM in December. COMMERCIAL ARM BY 2016 The Trust is working toward the establishment of the commercial arm to be up and running by 2016.  An independent facilitator will assist the board to clearly define;
  • what  industry will we be focusing on
  • what tax structure is required
  • what benefits are likely
  • how do we cover the risks
  • what capability is required
  • will it be long term or short term
  • what other opportunities are there short and long term
This is a complex process and will occur over a series of Board workshops. The Board is looking forward to concluding this step enabling the appointment of targeted Director capability by 2016. GOVERNANCE CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME \"Brd\" The Board commits each year a schedule of development programmes to ensure their skills remain relevant and effective as governance for Te Kapu O Waitaha and Waitaha Charitable Trust. This month Carol will be undertaking Governance Financial Essentials provided by the Institute of Directors. Following, Wehi and Tapua will commence their training in Governance Risk and Audit.  ]]>