• A forklift business will operate from 2 Dunlop Shed. We are negotiating forklift driving courses and certifications at a reduced cost exclusive to Waitaha beneficiaries
  • John a private individual is leasing a second proportion the shed as storage space. He has repaired the roof, completely rewired, re-plumbed and spends time clearing in and around the building
  • WOMB provides midwifery services to a number of Waitaha mama from leased office space here on 2 Dunlop Rd
  • Tarnix Security leases in our office, and provides free security, with an enormous amount of upgrades to the building such as lighting, heating, internal structural alterations, swipe card security systems, new flooring, and hi tech monitoring systems. The best thing is Tupaea also has whakapapa links to Waitaha. 
  • \"tupaea\" At 17, Tupaea started working for a local security company doing camera installation and realized that this was the business he wanted to be in, and that he wanted to run his own company. But he had to wait until he turned 18, the minimum age for company directorship, before he could set up Tarnix. Two years later, the company has more than 600 clients in the central North Island and a staff of 11. Tupaea has this message for rangatahi wishing to start out. “Let the words “you can’t do it” be the motivation for why “you should do it”. He is a firm believer that you can achieve anything if you have the passion and drive to work hard and stay focused.]]>