Nga Purongo a tau | Rautaki | Key Documents

Annual Report

Please note the latest Annual Report will be available Monday 27th March 2023

Te Kapu O Waitaha Strategic Plan

This document sets out the direction of the Board, what we want achieve, and what outcomes are being sought.  The plan spans 10 years with periodic reviews.  The Trust reports its’ achievements and outcomes through its annual report also presented at each AGM in Dec..

Waitaha Company Plan

Te Kapu O Waitaha endorses the Waitaha Iwi Management Plan, and will report on the Boards’ contributions toward realising the ideas and aspirations as expressed by the iwi.

Financial Audit

Waitaha Charitable Trust Statement of Intent

The Waitaha Charitable Trust Statement of Intent (SOI) is a requirement by its’ constitution.  The SOI sets out how the Charitable Trust intends to support and contribute toward the overall Vision and Goals of Te Kapu O Waitaha through its’ core function of distribution, advocacy, and advice

Te Kapu O Waitaha Charter

Mandated 19th September 2023, following review


Upcoming Events

Hei Marae 530pm

Te Kapu O Waitaha office at 9am