The Board recently resolved to fund the following Hakarakia Education Grants; TERTIARY STUDY Registered Waitaha beneficiaries who have been accepted to undertake first year Tertiary Studies NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIPS Registered Beneficiaries who have been accepted for Apprenticeships DISCRETIONARY The Board also sets aside a nominal fund to be allocated at their discretion for one off education purposes. These are considered on a case by case basis   Grant information will published on the Trust website by July 2016     COMPLIANCE Any future contributions from the Endowment will need to comply with the purposes for education as described in the Deed of Settlement and Trust Deed. In addition the Board is bound to ensure grant distributions of any nature comply as being charitable.   To Register.. People can now register online through www.waitahabackup.seoauckland.net.nz   DID YOU KNOW.. We post jobs and apprentice opportunities regularly on the Waitaha Taiohi Facebook page. Check it out. www.facebook.com/waitaha/\"Waitaha]]>