Works for the Kaituna re-diversion has been allowed to continue while we await a court ruling due in May concerning extra conditions to the resource consent filed by Ngati Pikiao and Makino requesting exclusively 5 whitebait stands, a boat berth, and cultural monitoring provisions.
Waitaha did not enter into the debate of extra conditions lodged instead we focused our support to the ecological and natural benefits to be gained as a result of the diversion.
A terms of Reference will be drafted between Bay Of Plenty Regional Council and iwi to manage consultations, reporting, and engagement for input to planning.
We met recently with Becca to discuss the resource consent renewal for the Ohau Channel diversion wall.
Our research told us that the quality of the water in Rotoiti is improving and more importantly the effects of the wall diversion on the Kaituna appear to be minimal.
The reason for improved water quality has been significantly attributed to Rotorua Council addressing sewage, storm water, and agriculture discharge. Despite this we spend a lot of time reading information to ensure we are not being complacent in our decisions to support or oppose consents at the detriment of our waterways.
To ensure the Kaituna does not suffer as a result of the consent, the BOP Regional Council aloong with Te Maru O Kaituna are developing a Kaituna River Management Plan.
Western Bay of Plenty District council is in the process of seeking a resource consent renewal to discharge treated sewage through a wetland and into the Waiari stream. Other concerns are the capacity pressures on the Waiari for East Papamoa urban water supply, and recently the Rangiuru Business Park is looking to also discharge into the stream. We are forwarding a cultural impact assessment in response to this application. The Waiari is a significant site for Waitaha as explained in the Treaty negotiations for those who are familiar. Furthermore tamariki to this day swim in the stream during summer months and more importantly tikanga simply does not support the notion of drinking what comes out as human waste.
We intend to make recommendations that consider
(a) Waitaha tikanga
(b) Waitaha sites of significance
(c) Alternatives that replace selling treated water instead of discharge and therefore addressing the water over-allocation issue from our streams
(d) Improving the wetland ecological systems where current discharge is occurring
(e) stop discharging into the Waiari and take into account that it is already bordering poor water quality. If further deterioration occurs in the stream it will become deemed out of limits even for recreation