Nga Purongo A Tau | Rautaki | Key Documents
Waitaha Rohe Area of Interest
This map shows the Area of Interest agreed between Waitaha and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 20 September 2011.
The Waitaha rohe covers the lands and waters marked on the eastern side by the mouth of the Kaituna River.
Follow the Kaituna River to Te Tumu and then travel up the Kaituna River until it meets the Waiari River and follow the Waiari to Te Rerenga Stream. From there climb up to Otanewainuku and then beyond Otanewainuku to the Mangorewa River.
Then follow the Waimapu River down to the Tauranga Harbour and out to Mauao on the coast back down to the mouth of the Kaituna River.
Iwi rohe interest in local authority regions and districts
This rohe of Waitaha extends into the regions or districts of the following local authorities.
- Regional Council
- Environment Bay of Plenty (Regional Council)
Territorial Authority
- Western Bay of Plenty District Council
- Tauranga City Council
Nga kōrero ā rohe o Waitaha
- Wairākei, Te Houhou, Ōtawa, Ōtara and Ōtanewainuku are ingrained with deep meaning; ka mau tonu te mauri ki a Waitaha. These are places of sustenance, refuge and ceremony.
The Tauranga raupatu placed an additional traumatic layer of meaning on these sites. As markers of the boundary of the confiscation district, they have for Waitaha become entwined with their memories of war, dispossession, and marginalisation.
Te Houhou, Ōtawa, Ōtara and Ōtanewainuku, are a lasting reminder to others of the significance of these places to Waitaha and of the existence of the confiscation line.
Ko Ōtawa te maunga
Ko Te Raparapa-ā-Hoe te awa
Ko Hei te tupuna Ko Takakōpiri te tangata
Ko te pūtaratara o te tuanui
Tāhūhu whakairinga kōrero Ka tū te ihiihi
Ka tū te wanawana
Tai tū te wehi o te moana o Punga e mauri
Waitaha te iwi
Te Arawa te waka
Mai i te Rae o Pāpāmoa, ki Te Ōkere o Mua, te Ōkere o Tua, ki te wehenga whakamutunga o Tamatekapua, ki Ōtawa ki te rangi te Ūpoko o Hei, ki Te Kirikiri te Ūpokonui, Te Ūpoko o Taranui, whakawhiti atu i Te Ara a Hei, ki Ōtanewainuku, te maunga o ngā patupaiarehe, he maunga tipua. Ka mihi ki a Pūwhenua. Ka mihi ki a Mauao.
Sites of Cultural Redress
The Waitaha Act which was passed in 2013 vested five sites of cultural significance in Te Kapu Ō Waitaha Trustees. Click on the links above to view larger files.
- Hine Poto
- Ohineangaanga
- Whitikiore (together with a right of way easement in favour of the site granted by the Crown)
- Te Haehae; and
- Maungaruahine Pa Reserve, an historic reserve with Te Kapu Ō Waitaha as the administering body and as a scenic reserve the freehold estate in the Ōtara Scenic Reserve , as a scenic reserve, with Te Kapu Ō Waitaha as the administering body.