Building Trust Capacity
We welcome Te Arangi Marr into the role of Business Services Specialist.
Te Arangi has been appointed to manage the iwi database, to build systems, business processes, and policies for Waitaha Charitable Trust functions.
About Te Arangi..

Te Arangi affiliates to Waitaha through Ngati Rangitihi/Te Arawa. She brings a wide range of skill to Te Kapu O Waitaha having previously engineered database systems for iwi registers up to 22,000 beneficiaries. In addition she has led and managed grant administration and distributions.
Recently returning to Aotearoa from an overseas post in Human Resource Management, she has also worked for Accountants, legal services including Te Reo translating. The Trust is fortunate to now have a comprehensive database reporting system, with an additional “Waitaha Mokopuna\\\” database.