AGM Rules & Link

A couple of house keeping rules; There will be time to ask questions at the end of every segment. This will be done by clicking the “Reactions tab” at the bottom of your computer screen and raising your hand (picture 1 below) In the instance you would like to move or second a resolution please click the “Reactions Tab” at the bottom of your computer screen and give it a thumbs up (picture 2 below)

The Zoom will start at 830am to give time for whānau to login before the hui to start at 9am.

Annual Report 2020-2021…/aff0d51ce8e99fcf5fa6c067cafcd

Financial Report 2020-2021…/28c3fd561c12206c37d7f2651

Apologies Form to be completed by 830am Saturday 12th Feb

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