\"\" Hei Marae Sunday 28thJuly 9.00am – 12.00pm A contribution toward lunch would be appreciated. RESTRICTED LICENSE GRANTS \"\" The Trust has approved funding for Waitaha Year 13 Students to sit their Restricted License.  This funding is made available to increase student independence toward seeking employment, training, or study. Shayla Thompson and Trinity Davies are the first two who have successfully gained their restricted license.   PARTNERSHIP SCHOLARSHIPS Our partnership scholarships for Waikato, Otago, and Victoria are now open for application. To find out more please click here   HAUORA SCHOLARSHIP \"\" Trust negotiations with retirement company, Summerset concluded a new health scholarship which will be held and administered by the Trust in partnership with Summerset.  This scholarship is exclusive to Waitaha registered beneficiaries. This scholarship will be open to all health sciences offered in tertiary study. We are working through the scholarship framework and hope to  make this available for application by November of this year.  Future announcements will be forthcoming.   CHARTER VOTE RESULT Registered beneficiaries recently voted on a number of notified resolutions for change to the Trust Charter. The following majority ballot result now gives effect to those changes; Votes to approve the resolutions; 89.22% The Trust thanks Te Puni Kokiri for their ongoing support for the provision of an independent scrutineer, who has been available for all the Trust Ballot vote counting. The new Trust Charter will uploaded to the website shortly, following the signing of the Trustees.  Nga mihi to all those who actually took the time to vote!!!   IWI REGISTER The approved Charter changes that affect the register is that only those who whakapapa (ātoto)to Waitaha-A-Hei will remain on the Trust Iwi Register. Any registered members who do not meet this criteria may be removed from the register, have no voting powers, nor entitlement to grants offered by the Trust.  Examples are if people are; whangai, and or hunaonga who do not whakapapa (ātoto)to Waitaha-A-Hei. All registrations are validated by the Whakapapa committee; Tame McCausland, Punohu McCausland, and Whareoteriri Rahiri.  Validation by this committee will be full and final. Following the recent Charter votes, we had a number of voting packs returned as “gone no address”. We strongly encourage beneficiaries to be proactive in ensuring their register information is up to date.  To update or register please click here   COMMERCIAL PLANS The Waitaha Group Holdings LTD Partnership, will shortly launch its’ strategic plan over the coming month.  With the completion of the commercial statement of investment policy, the establishment of portfolio, forecasted target returns will be the key focus over the next five to ten years.  The portfolio will aim to develop growth assets, increased returns, and income investment.  Investment decisions consider cultural sensitivies and commercial aspects necessary to deliver outcomes.  A past example of this has been a proprtionate sale of Te Houhou to kick start investment and greater opportunity for Waitaha following the approval of an iwi vote in 2017. The company will pay an annual return to Te Kapu O Waitaha for the ongoing revenue support to scholarships, marae insurance, and projects that deliver greater benefit to the beneficiaires.   MATARIKI GLOW SHOW \"\" Thanks to all those who participated in the ticket give aways for the Matariki Glow show which featured in June.  In particular we were proud to support the Waitaha Kohanga Reo and mokopuna with tickets to attend.   FEATURED STORIES \"\" Te Hira Tawhara is in the second year of his apprenticeship with Anamata builders.  During this time he has been involved in the building of a winery on Waiheke Island, and housing developments in Hamilton.  Te Hira has been a recipient of the Hakaraia Endowment Scholarship for the past two years and is a stand out example of someone who enthusiastically enjoys his trade.   WAITAHA STUDENT NETWORK LAUNCHES FACEBOOK PAGE \"\" A “group face book page” has been launched to connect all Waitaha students who received grants from the Trust in the last three years.  The page is kindly managed by Liam Wairepo a Waitaha student studying at Otago University.  The page will also announce next round of grants, and opportunities for the future student wananga retreat funded by the Trust.  If you are a past student with an unanswered invite to the page, you might like to join now.   TAIAO/FOREST HARVEST OPERATIONS \"\" The trust is supporting a unique training combining Forest Harvest operations, and taiao.  Included will be learner licenses, first aid training, resource management, cultural and significant sites.  A medium to long term vision of the Trust is the development of an education/tourism venture in one of our historic pa reserves of which we hope will also create future employment as a transition from the course. Further support will be to develop resume’s, exposure to other trades, cadetships, and employment opportunities.  The course provides pick up and drop off transportation, and will run for 20 weeks.]]>