DID YOU KNOW…Otawa is home to the Hochstetter\\\’s frog, an ancient frog native to Aotearoa. They possess some of the most ancient features of any extant frogs in the world!
You may have noticed there has recently been some significant activity within the Number 3 Road Conservation Area. This is due to the fact that Te Puke Stone Enterprises have surrendered their Access Arrangement to the site and will no longer be quarrying.
The site holds significant conservation values and in the short term DOC has undertaken some work which was seen as vital to the successful rehabilitation of the site. A major piece of work involved the removal of four culverts which for many decades acted as velocity barriers to native fish migration. With these now gone it is anticipated native fish will once again be able to access the upper reaches of the tributaries of the Raparapahoe Stream.
A second major piece of work involved removing the infrastructure that was left on site following Te Puke Stone Enterprises departure; this mainly involved removing buildings and fences. There are still some pine trees to be removed under the existing work plan and it is anticipated this will happen in the near future.
The next phase of the rehabilitation will involve some careful planning and DOC is keen to hear the thoughts of our local community and future aspirations for the site.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th December at 7pm at the 1240 No 3 Rd property. There will be a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask any questions in relation to the sites.
More than just talk…
Whanau if you wish to attend RSVP to mkanderson@doc.govt.nz or call Mark Anderson on 07 5712728 before 10th December.